Pokemon Home Transfer Guide
I like moving my pokemon around through home; I have a rotating roster of favorites I like to move to whichever game I'm playing at the moment. But remembering what pokemon can move to what game is a hassle. so I made this list of every Pokémon, and what games they can move to. It even let's you know whether you can catch a new one or not!
- O (Green) means it is available in the main game.
- D (Yellow) means you can catch it in a DLC area.
- T (Orange) means you can transfer it in from Home, but cannot catch it in game.
- X (Red) means it is totally unavsilable in the game.
No. | Name | Sw/Sh | BD/SP | LA | Sc/Vi |
0001 | Bulbasaur | O | D | T | X |